15 Fun And Creative Rainy-Day Activities For Children


When dark clouds sweep in, and rain begins to fall on hard ground, the first thing that is affected is our ability to step out with ease. This is especially difficult for children who are forced to forgo outdoor activities. Usually, a rainy day means children are cooped up at home and often turn to their screens for entertainment. In such cases, having some indoor game ideas can save the day. Rainy weather need not equal a dull day with these fun activities. Not only will your children enjoy it, but the odds are that these will also unleash the inner child in you. We’ve collected a list of entertaining indoor activities for kids to keep them entertained till the rain stops.

Monsoon activity ideas

1. Make a snack – Rainy days are perfect for enjoying some gastronomical pleasures. Get the children to help you in creating some colourful cookies. It will be such a pleasure to see the warm batches come out. You can then devour them together amidst loads of fun and giggles.

2. Camp indoors – On a rainy day, one activity is to create a blanket fort and park yourself inside it with loads of treats, books, and toys. The day will go by as the children sit snugly in the fort—eat, play, and make merry!

3. Read a book together – It will be an excellent idea for you to sit with the children curled up with a book. You can read their favorite story aloud as you hear raindrops falling against the window. This rainy-day ritual will stay with them well past their childhood!

4. Indoor treasure hunt – Among fun monsoon activities is setting up an indoor treasure hunt. The giggles that will fill the house will be so refreshing.

5. Movie Marathon – A rainy day holiday is also best for a movie marathon. Pull out some favorite children’s movies and let the good times roll! Add some popcorn to the equation, and you will surely have the recipe for a fun day!

6. Water wars – If you are up for some water fun, you can set up water wars on your balcony. It will be great for the children to wet each other as the rain falls in the background. Add your pet to the fray, and you sure have hours of fun ahead. Teach the children to make paper boats, and they can set some afloat in a tub.

7. Bring out the board games – A preferred rainy season activity is playing fun board games. Choose age-appropriate games that the children enjoy, and the whole day will go by quickly.

8. Family Talent Show – Announce an impromptu family talent show and see the entire family display their skills. It could be a song and dance, the latest drawing, or any claim to fame.

9. Pick up a new skill – Let the rainy-day herald pick up a new skill. Children can choose the skill they want to learn on their own. You could help them with it, or some YouTube videos could rescue you. It could be knitting, arts and crafts, drawing, or anything else.

10. Dance Party – How about dancing away those rainy-day blues? Set up a playlist with the children’s favorite songs and let the party begin. Not only will it be a great bonding time as a family, but everyone will also get their quota of physical activity for the day. Whoever said a rainy day must be sedentary didn’t think of this!

11. Solve a Jigsaw puzzle – For preschoolers, Monsoon activities include getting the entire family together and working on solving that jigsaw puzzle. Each piece will evoke much laughter as the puzzle starts to take shape. It will be a family bonding time to remember. Bonding over fun activities can offer several coaching moments with the child.

12. Turn trash into treasure – Go ahead and encourage the children to create the best from waste. It could mean converting old wedding cards into coasters or turning old tin cans into pretty little planters. You are only limited by your imagination. It will give the children something useful to do, and having created something will also add to their self-confidence. That they will learn the concept of reuse and recycle will be a great value that will stay with them.

13. Build, build, build – You can keep children occupied for hours by getting them to build something. Think of a large domino, a house of cards, or even a cardboard castle.

14. A relaxing bubble bath – The Rainy season kindergarten activities include slipping into a relaxing bubble bath. It will surely qualify as one of the most entertaining rainy-day activities.

15. Family Video game tournament – Provided the children have had their share of activity during the day, you can also end the rainy day with a short video game tournament. The sounds of each trying to beat the other will reverberate through your house. Pro tip: Ensure it’s undertaken at the end of the day or with a firm time slot so that the children do not spend too much time on it.

There you go! Rainy weather might look a little bleak out of your window, but with so much to do inside the day, it will be anything but gloomy!

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